She sat there every day, under the tattered shadow of the
oak, combing her serpentine locks. Locks that looked alive, moving of their own
accord, or was it the wind playing with them? Who knew? There she sat, each day
after sundown, combing her long hair that acted as a veil, never once showing
her face. I knew not from whence she came or who she was, all I knew was that
she was meant for me.
And so, on a full moon night I ventured out with an
amateurishly written love ballad in my hand. I reached her and spoke. On and on
I went, my love for her a waxing eloquent. And yet she uttered not a word. She
heard me though, I know, for her hands stilled. I strove on undeterred but as
her silence stretched, my bravado faltered. Haltingly I asked why she wouldn’t
say anything. In response she turned. I can still recall my scream for it was
the last that passed my mortal lips.
Today I sit under the tattered shadow of the oak tree, every
day after sundown, next to my love who has no face.
Somehow avani yaad aa gayi. Dont know whether that is good or bad.
Avani might not be very happy hearing that XD
I liked this ...short and crisp
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